Quick Guide for Continuity Planning

The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) has prepared this resource to help you deliver your course in the event of a disruption. To ensure the ongoing success of your courses, you can use Quercus, powered by Canvas, and a selection of supported educational technology tools in the U of T Academic Toolbox to address various teaching and learning scenarios during a disruption. Contents include:

  • Ensuring Course Delivery
  • Teaching and Learning Scenarios
  • Support Contacts

Ensuring Course Delivery

Communicate with Students and Other Course Staff

TaskTeaching Resources
Contact my studentsQuercus
- Announcements
- Conversations/Inbox
- Customize Course Notifications
- Export Group Roster for email
Contact my TAsQuercus
- Conversations/Inbox
- Unpublished discussion board
- University email
Hold online office hours- MS Teams Video
- VoIP Services

Guides and Tips
- Online Office Hourswith Barb Murck
Schedule course tasks and assignmentsQuercus
- Calendar
Plan the mid-term and final assessmentsQuercus
- How to Hold a Vote to Modify Methods of Evaluation
- Classic Quizzes (recommended for mid-term and final examinations)

- Administer Take-home Exams Using the Assignments Tool on Quercus (video 8.47 min)
- Using Quercus Quizzes Tool for Automated Online Test (video 8.58 min)

- Review of U of T University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy
Receive student work onlineQuercus
- Classic Quizzes
- Assignments
Check for textual similarities in assignmentsAssignments Using Plagiarism Detection


Post Course Content on Quercus

TaskTeaching Resource
Post course materials (e.g., syllabus, readings, slides)Quercus
- Modules and Pages
Host course related multimedia audio and video filesQuercus
- Rich Media Files (Videos and Images)
- Create hyperlinks to external URLs


Guides and Tips
- OLS Video Strategies
- Creating a Course Tour with Prof. Avi J. Cohen, Professor (video 2.24 min)
- Be aware that quota in Quercus is limited


Deliver Lectures

TaskTeaching Resource
Recorded lecturesScreen Recording
- TechSmith Snagit

Microsoft PowerPoint audio recording option for slide-by-slide narration
Conduct live lectures onlineWebinars/Web-Conferencing Tool
- Zoom

Guides and Tips
- Review real-time teaching and learning online with webinars tip sheet
- Flexible Learning: Webinar Lectures with Prof. Don Boyes (video 2.33 min)
Share recordingsUpload recordings to:
- MyMedia
- MS Stream

Post links to recordings in Quercus
- Create hyperlinks to external urls

Guides and Tips
- Review streaming tools comparison chart


Deliver Tutorials and Seminars

TaskTeaching Resources
Recorded lecturesScreen Recording
- TechSmith Snagit
- Microsoft PowerPoint audio recording option for slide-by-slide narration
Conduct live lectures onlineEnterprise Video-conferencing & Video Meeting Resources
Offer enhanced office hours/just-in-time sessionsMS Teams Video
Share recordingsUpload recordings to:
- MyMedia
- MS Stream

Post links to recordings in Quercus
- Create hyperlinks to external URLs

Guides and Tips
- Review streaming tools comparison chart


Online Storage for Course Materials

TaskTeaching Resource
Store files and assignments within QuercusQuercus
- Files

Instructors can:
- upload one or multiple files
- view all details about the files
- preview files
- publish and unpublish files
- set usage rights
- restrict access to files
Store personal files in one place and for easy sharingMicrosoft Office 365
- OneDrive
- Use share link option


Manage Assignments

TaskTeaching Resource
Receive students’ assignments onlineQuercus
- Assignments
Provide feedback on students’ assignmentsQuercus
- Rubrics
- SpeedGrader
Manage students’ gradesQuercus
- Gradebook


Online Quizzes and Surveys

TaskTeaching Resource
Receive students’ assignments onlineQuercus
- Classic Quizzes
- New Quizzes
Provide feedback on students’ assignmentsQuercus
- Rubrics
- SpeedGrader
Assignments using plagiarism detectionAssignments Using Plagiarism Detection


Managing Grades

TaskTeaching Resource
Manage students’ GradesQuercus
- Gradebook

- Review U of T University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy

Using eMarks
- Contact Divisional Educational Technology Staff

Teaching and Learning Scenarios

Facilitate Interaction

ScenarioTeaching Resource
Discussion during a live, online session of my class (e.g., lecture, seminar, guest speaker)Enterprise Video-conferencing & Video Meeting Resources
Create an online discussion forum to give students a place to post questions, respond to each other’s questions and clarify main points asynchronouslyQuercus
- Discussions
- PeppeR

Guides and Tips
- Engaging Students in an Online Environment

Active Learning methods that engage students in the learning process:
- Give One – Get One: Helps students access prior knowledge to give and get feedback
- Ticket Out the Door: students post low risk written feedback
- 3-2-1: Students respond to question prompts in Discussion post (e.g., 3 – Important points from today’s lecture. 2 – Limitations of this perspective. 1 – Question I still have is…? Or 1 point that was unclear was…?
Help students collaborate on group workQuercus
- Groups
- Pages Wiki option

Microsoft Office 365
- OneDrive


Divisional Educational Technology Staff

If you have questions or need support with Quercus, contact your divisional support team. They may have additional plans, resources, tools, and recommendations. Please check with them first.

Quercus Get Help Form

If you do not know who your divisional educational technology representative is, email q.help@utoronto.ca.