
(Aronson, 1980)

The Jigsaw reading activity provides a way for students to learn new content and also provides an opportunity for them to teach each other what they have learned and discuss implications of the reading. A basic Jigsaw is structured as follows:

Step 1: Arrange cooperative groups (e.g., a group of 4) and assign materials

Step 2: Move to expert groups and prepare ideas for teaching (e.g., a section of an article or chapter)

Step 3: Return to cooperative groups for teaching and checking for understanding (e.g., groups of 2 or 3 students who read the same assigned material.

Step 4: Individual and group accountability

Watch a 2-minute video explaining the Jigsaw activity from the K. Patricia Cross Academy.


Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation. (n.d.). #13: Jigsaw Reading.

The K. Patricia Cross Academy. (n.d.). Jigsaw [Video]. YouTube. https://kpcrossacademy.org/techniques/jigsaw/