Teaching Assistants’ Training Program
Celebrating CTSI’s 10th anniversary with a countdown of teaching and learning initiatives and partnerships at U of T
The Teaching Assistants’ Training Program (TATP), a peer-training program serving teaching assistants and graduate students on all three campuses, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year! TATP’s multi-disciplinary team of peer trainers provide departmental and job training for new and returning teaching assistants and graduate student course instructors, professional development in the form of workshops, two certificate programs, consultations, and online resources, including guides, tip sheets and videos.
- We asked TATP staff alumni about their experiences as peer trainers and how working with the TATP prepared them for their present careers.
- In 2017-2018 alone, the TATP led 47 pedagogical workshops, 4 TA Days, 44 first contract and tutorial workshops, 2 Course Instructor Training Camps, 14 microteaching sessions, and 26 departmental training sessions (with 600 TAs attending).
- Since 2003, the Teaching Assistants’ Training Program has awarded the TA Teaching Excellence Award to TAs across the university. In 2015, we awarded the inaugural CI Teaching Excellence Award for graduate students working as sole-responsibility Course Instructors. Both awards recognize the significant contributions teaching assistants make to the undergraduate classroom at U of T. Visit TATP to learn more about these awards and for the 2019 TA and CI Teaching Excellence Awards short lists.
- The TATP Toolkit provides resources for graduate students and TAs throughout their time at U of T whether they are looking for information on First Time TAing, how to approach Accessible and Inclusive Teaching or Active Learning, or if they are starting work as Graduate Student Course Instructor or preparing their Teaching Dossier.