Faculty-Librarian Collaborations

University of Toronto Libraries can assist with course design with “Integrating Information Literacy into Your Course: A Guide for Faculty and Teaching Assistants”

Faculty and librarians can create rich learning experiences for students by collaborating to embed information literacy into course content.  Courses with successful collaborations display common themes:

  • strong collaborative relationships amongst instructors and librarians,
  • research instruction based on course goals,
  • assessment of learning, and
  • reflection on what worked and what didn’t work.

Here are four different examples of University of Toronto librarians and faculty working together to develop students’ abilities to effectively find, evaluate, create, use and present knowledge within the context of their respective disciplines.

  1. Course: HIS1997H The Practice of History (video link)
    Librarians: Sara McDowell and Sam-chin Li
    Faculty: Professor Lori Loeb
  2. Course: VIC 184 – Individuals & the Public Sphere: Cultural Memory (video link)
    Librarians: Lisa J. Sherlock and Roma Kail
    Faculty Dr. Anne Urbincic
  3. Course: DEN207 Community Dentistry (video link)
    Librarians: Maria Buda and Helen He
    Faculty:  Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh
  4. Course: POL 2810Y MA Research Seminar (video link)
    Librarian: Jenny Mendelsohn
    Faculty:  Professor Michael Stein


Faculty wishing to integrate information literacy outcomes into their course can contact their faculty liaison librarian