CTSI Return to Campus
Spring 2022
Effective March 1, 2022 we are excited to begin returning to our office space and to start the process of returning to in-person operations.
CTSI has planned a gradual return to campus through the months of March – May 2022. During this time, CTSI staff are only on campus on a limited basis. At this time, all visitors to CTSI must have a pre-arranged appointment to enter our office space and certain in-person services (such as in-class observations) are not yet available. To pre-arrange a virtual or in-person consultation with a CTSI staff member, please click on the appropriate link below to make an online booking.
Please note: due to intense demand for our services, there may be a delay in coordinating your consultation, and it may not be possible to accommodate your preferred meeting time.
Quercus Course Reviews
CTSI’s Quercus Course Reviews service is intended to provide instructors with formative feedback on how they use Quercus to support their course and teaching.
Please note that for now and until further notice all CTSI events, programming and services continue to be offered virtually. Information on when programming and services may be offered in person will be forthcoming.
In preparation for your consultation with a CTSI staff member, please review the CTSI Consultation: Resources.
We Offer Support in the Following Areas:
- Teaching dossier review (CTSI consultations are available to instructors with continuing appointments who are preparing for an interim or probationary review, tenure or continuing status review, or promotion)
- Teaching strategies
- Interpreting course evaluation data
- Course design, development and review
- Working with graduate students and teaching assistants
- Using educational technology in the classroom
- Online learning
- Teaching award nominations
- Research on pedagogical topics (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, or SoTL)
We are more than happy to discuss any teaching related questions you may have. If you have questions or concerns about a topic not listed here, please provide details in the form. A CTSI staff member will contact you within 2 business days.
Please note: CTSI is unable to provide teaching dossier consultations to instructors seeking employment.
NB: While CTSI will make every effort to schedule your consultation at the earliest convenience, we do ask that requests are made with 10-14 days notice. If you are requesting a review of a teaching dossier, please note that we will need AN ADDITIONAL 7-10 days to review the DOSSIER and prepare comments.