Universal Instructional Design (UID)
(Goff & Higbee, 2008)
- Creating welcoming classrooms
- Determining essential components of a course
- Communicating clear expectations
- Providing timely and constructive feedback
- Exploring Use of natural supports for learning, including technology
- Designing teaching methods that consider diverse learning styles, abilities, ways of knowing and previous experience and background knowledge
- Creating multiple ways for students to demonstrate their knowledge
- Promoting interaction among and between faculty and students
Universal Instructional Design – Creating an Accessible Curriculum (Centre for Teaching and Learning – Educational Technology
AccessAbility Services, Teaching and Learning Services, University of Toronto at Scarborough. (2004.) Universal Instructional Design: Creating an Accessible Curriculum
University of Guelph. (2016). The Universal Instructional Design Implementation Guide
Bryson, J. (2004). Universal Instructional Design in Postsecondary Settings: An Implementation Guide. Georgian College