Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Supporting BIPOC Students Beyond COVID-19

While COVID-19 caused major disruptions to all students at the University of Toronto, the impact of this global crisis has been experienced unevenly by BIPOC groups. As we have seen, […]

Introduction to Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Many people have been talking more openly about trauma in recent days – the trauma of the pandemic, domestic trauma, intergenerational and systemic trauma, trauma linked to geopolitical events, climate […]

Teaching with Quercus: Learning Outcomes & Rubrics

Facilitators: Anna Limanni, Senior Educational Technologist, Academic Toolbox, FASE Jesse Richards, Curriculum Development Specialist, Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education Aligning assessment with course learning outcomes is crucial […]

Discussion Board Tools – MENT

As part of an ongoing procurement process for a STEM-focused discussion board / QA system at the University, the prospective supplier MENT will be demonstrating their wares and answering questions from faculty and […]

Discussion Board Tools – MENT

As part of an ongoing procurement process for a STEM-focused discussion board / QA system at the University, the prospective supplier MENT will be demonstrating their wares and answering questions from faculty and […]