Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning: Navigating Microaggressions in the Classroom

Microaggressions in the classroom create an unwelcome campus climate and can negatively affect the teaching and learning process. This behaviour can be exacerbated in the online context, particularly in emails, breakout rooms, chats and online forums. Addressing microaggressions is critical to creating inclusive and positive learning environments. In this interactive session, participants will learn strategies […]

Demystifying the Dossier: Looking Ahead: Identifying & Articulating Teaching Success

Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSI Kelly Gordon, Coordinator, Programs & Strategic Initiatives, CTSI At the University of Toronto, a teaching dossier must be submitted as part of the formal review process for tenure and continuing status. Beyond the information included in an academic CV, a teaching dossier describes and documents an instructor’s teaching expertise, goals […]

Teaching and Learning in Uncertainty: The Role of Care and Kindness in the Classroom

Name: Online – Zoom Address:

Why are care and kindness traditionally regarded as antithetic to academic rigour? In this session, we consider the role of care and kindness in teaching and learning, especially in times of uncertainty. We will examine the pedagogy of care/kindness as a framework to help graduate students balance their own boundaries with compassion and transparency and […]

Demystifying Library Research for Your Students

Name: Online – Zoom Address:

How do you help your students who are baffled by library research?  In this session, U of T librarians will share services and resources to assist undergraduate students, and work with you to strategize responses to typical undergraduate research and essay problems.    Help your students go beyond Google and Wikipedia to find quality information […]

UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning: Creating Accessible Documents

The switch to remote learning has created new learning opportunities and challenges in accessibility. Materials need to be flexible in their creation and accessible to all students using a variety of learning hardware and software. Learn about some of the assistive technologies students use and why accessible materials are important. Acquire new skills in how […]

Statement of Teaching Philosophy Clinic

Name: Online – Zoom Address:

The statement of teaching philosophy (STP) is the foundation of any teaching dossier, is often requested as part of an academic job application, and is an important part of the tenure and promotion process. This short statement needs to effectively communicate your ideas, beliefs, and values about teaching in a condensed space. In writing your […]

Effective Strategies for Preparing a Teaching Award Nomination File

Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSI Carolyn Farrell, Director, Awards and Honours, Faculty of Applied Science + Engineering Karen McCrindle, Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning, and Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Centre for French and Linguistics, UTSC Kelly Gordon, Coordinator, Programs & Strategic Initiatives, CTSI The Centre for Teaching Support & […]

Introduction to Active Learning – Theory & Strategy

Name: Online – Zoom Address:

Active learning is when “students make information or concepts their own by connecting them to existing knowledge and experience… examine, question, and relate new ideas to old, thereby achieving the kind of deep learning that lasts” (Barkley, 2010). Research suggests that, when engaged in an active learning environment, students are able to retain information longer […]

Demystifying the Dossier: Interpreting and Integrating Course Evaluations

Facilitators: Gregory Hum, Manager, Evaluation & Assessment, CTSI Kyle Turner, Faculty Liaison, Teaching and Learning, CTSI This session is part of the Dossier Series. Faculty are welcome to attend one or multiple workshops in the series; recordings will be available for all sessions. At the University of Toronto, course evaluations are one key component of […]

Accessibility Services and the Accommodations Process

Wondering about the accommodation process, and accessibility services supports at U of T? In this webinar, we will provide an introduction to Accessibility Services and the accommodation process at the University of Toronto. Join us for a conversation about roles and responsibilities of students, Accessibility Advisors, TAs and course instructors as well as services offered […]