Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

TIDE Workshop: Unconscious Bias in the Teaching and Learning Context

This workshop is being facilitated by the Toronto Initiative for Diversity & Excellence (TIDE). TIDE is a grassroots service group consisting of University of Toronto faculty members from across disciplines with a focus on supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion at the University. This workshop is intended for faculty interested in learning more about unconscious bias […]

Identifying, Honing, and Teaching with Transferable Skills

As graduate students, we might understand the importance of transferrable skills to our own career development but what about in our teaching? TAs and course instructors can develop their transferrable skills not only through research and networking opportunities but also in the classroom by drawing connections between discipline-specific skill building and future career development. Therefore, […]

The Future of Hybrid Experiential Learning Courses. What’s Next?

Presented by UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning In this workshop, we will discuss the future of hybrid EL courses and explore such questions as: What aspects of remote learning will we keep? What balance will we maintain between in-person and remote teaching? Will we develop a set of standards to make hybrid courses safe, […]

Mock Academic Interview

Name: Online Address:

Landing a faculty position is the aspiration of many senior doctoral students, and the process of applying for and landing such positions is difficult and in many ways mysterious. While innovative research and a solid dissertation are vital to being competitive for academic positions, being able to represent yourself well in academic interviews is also […]

Creating Equitable Classrooms (Roundtable): Let’s Talk About Failure at U of T

Johanna Pokorny, Research Lead, Innovation Hub Kate Bowers, Learning Strategist, Resilience Focus Academic Success Rahul Bhat, Resilience Programming Lead, Academic Success Julia Allworth, Manager, Innovation Projects Do you want to talk about failure? Failure and setbacks are inevitable parts of learning at UofT, and yet this aspect of a student’s experience often remains unexamined. Drawing […]

Roundtable with Teaching-Stream Faculty

Name: Online Address:

Over the lastcouple of decades, the pressure to improve the quality of teaching has beentransforming Higher Education in North America. One of the key initiatives hasbeen the emergence of individuals holding a full-time appointment focused onteaching. Indeed, teaching-stream faculty (TSF) – professors whose mainresponsibilities are teaching and teaching-focused research (i.e., Scholarshipof Teaching and Learning) – […]

Inclusive Teaching Strategies for Supporting EAL Students

Intercultural communication skills related to teaching and collaboration are often encouraged to directly address the needs of international students, a significant and growing population at the university. Yet many EAL (English as an additional language user) students have highlighted added challenges and concerns around their participation using virtual platforms during the pandemic, resulting in feelings […]

Creating Accessible Syllabi

Presented by UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning Students benefit from a well-designed and accessible syllabus. In this session, learn how to create accessible syllabi that are inclusive to diverse learners and can be integrated into academic learning. Topics covered will include accessibility statements, accessible document design and time management integration. Facilitators: Alissa Evans, Assistive […]

Course Instructor Training Camp December 2021

Online Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Course Instructor Job training, but not towards either the Teaching Fundamentals or Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participate in the event.   This training is grouped into two parts: five asynchronous learning modules (3 hours), and two 1.5 hour online webinars. You must compete the […]