Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Effective Strategies for Preparing a Teaching Award Nomination File

Megan Burnett, Associate Director, CTSI Carolyn Farrell, Director, Awards and Honours, Faculty of Applied Science + Engineering Karen McCrindle, Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning, and Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Centre for French and Linguistics, UTSC Kelly Gordon, Coordinator, Programs & Strategic Initiatives, CTSI The Centre for Teaching Support & […]

Introduction to Active Learning – Theory & Strategy

Name: Online – Zoom Address:

Active learning is when “students make information or concepts their own by connecting them to existing knowledge and experience… examine, question, and relate new ideas to old, thereby achieving the kind of deep learning that lasts” (Barkley, 2010). Research suggests that, when engaged in an active learning environment, students are able to retain information longer […]

Demystifying the Dossier: Interpreting and Integrating Course Evaluations

Facilitators: Gregory Hum, Manager, Evaluation & Assessment, CTSI Kyle Turner, Faculty Liaison, Teaching and Learning, CTSI This session is part of the Dossier Series. Faculty are welcome to attend one or multiple workshops in the series; recordings will be available for all sessions. At the University of Toronto, course evaluations are one key component of […]

Accessibility Services and the Accommodations Process

Wondering about the accommodation process, and accessibility services supports at U of T? In this webinar, we will provide an introduction to Accessibility Services and the accommodation process at the University of Toronto. Join us for a conversation about roles and responsibilities of students, Accessibility Advisors, TAs and course instructors as well as services offered […]

UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning: Course (re)Design: Rethinking Your Course in a COVID-19 Era

The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to engage with new technologies. This engagement enabled the unexpected (re)design of courses across various learning environments. Courses were reimagined in creative and innovative ways highlighting different delivery methods. In this webinar, we will share approaches to course design including course design frameworks, developing innovative assessments, selecting activities to support […]

Intercultural Communication in Teaching and Learning

With increasing diverse student populations in the classrooms, it is critical that we engage and reflect on our intercultural development journey to build a safe and inclusive learning environment. By participating in this workshop, participants will:  • Explore intercultural communication models;   • Recognize how different cultural mindsets influence the way people interact with each other […]

November SoTL Journal Club

The CTSI-SoTL team is excited to offer a noon-hour SoTL Journal Club Series with monthly events throughout Fall-Winter 2021-22. The goal of this series is to provide an opportunity for our community to explore the SoTL literature in a synchronous group setting, both to find practical applications to implement in our teaching, and to inform […]

Grading Strategies for Teaching Assistants

Name: Online – Zoom Address:

Across disciplines, grading can be a challenging practice for TAs that requires significant time and interpretation.  This workshop will position grading as a valuable teaching strategy and introduce techniques for efficient and effective grading. At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: understand the purpose and importance of grading in teaching and […]

TIDE Workshop: Unconscious Bias in the Teaching and Learning Context

This workshop is being facilitated by the Toronto Initiative for Diversity & Excellence (TIDE). TIDE is a grassroots service group consisting of University of Toronto faculty members from across disciplines with a focus on supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion at the University. This workshop is intended for faculty interested in learning more about unconscious bias […]

Identifying, Honing, and Teaching with Transferable Skills

As graduate students, we might understand the importance of transferrable skills to our own career development but what about in our teaching? TAs and course instructors can develop their transferrable skills not only through research and networking opportunities but also in the classroom by drawing connections between discipline-specific skill building and future career development. Therefore, […]