Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

March SoTL Journal Club

The CTSI-SoTL team is excited to offer a noon-hour SoTL Journal Club Series with monthly events throughout Fall-Winter 2021-22. The goal of this series is to provide an opportunity for our community to explore the SoTL literature in a synchronous group setting, both to find practical applications to implement in our teaching, and to inform […]

Preparing Your Teaching Dossier

Name: Online – Zoom Address:

The teaching dossier is a comprehensive record of teaching activities and accomplishments that is now required in applications for permanent positions at the University of Toronto and at an increasing number of institutions across North America. In this session, we will review the elements of a successful teaching dossier and discuss how to use it […]

*CANCELED* Assessing Student Work and Providing Feedback Using Microsoft 365 Tools

PLEASE NOTE: This webinar has been canceled. Facilitators: Justin Fletcher, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning & Technology, CTSI/ACT Cora McCloy, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning This webinar is part of our Microsoft 365 for Teaching and Learning Series. We will review considerations for implementing assessments in your course. We will then explore […]

CTSI Equity Roundtable: Anti-Black Racism Taskforce and its implications for the classroom

Facilitator: Dr Njoki Wane, PhD, Professor & Chair, Department of Social Justice Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education In this workshop we shall explore our understanding of the Mandate of the Taskforce. How does the mandate speak to our teaching pedagogies, if at all?  How does an equitable classroom look like from the standpoint […]

Community Discussion: Supporting Students With Contact and Care

Teaching assistants often provide personalized support to their students, whether it takes the form of office hours, extra help with course content, disciplinary guidance, or conversations about mental wellness. Such personalized support can be crucial to student success, especially when educators are striving to maintain accessible, equitable learning environments. However, the labour associated with these forms of care and individualized connection can often be difficult to […]

Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference+

Centre for Faculty Development, Temerty Faculty of Medicine Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference+ (TforT:AC+) is a three day immersion in the education paradigms and practices needed for today's health care work. TforT: AC+ involves keynote facilitated sessions, nominated emerging work (NEW), workshops, submitted short talks, roundtables, and space for open dialogue. TforT:AC+ will take place […]

Faculty of Arts & Science Teaching & Technology Drop-In Session

The Faculty of Arts & Science Teaching & Learning and Teaching Technology Support team members are available via Microsoft Teams to answer any questions about digital teaching—from considerations about course and assignment design to effectively using Quercus and integrating educational technologies. Join via Teams Learn more about the Faculty of Arts & Science Online Learning […]

Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference+

Centre for Faculty Development, Temerty Faculty of Medicine Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference+ (TforT:AC+) is a three day immersion in the education paradigms and practices needed for today's health care work. TforT: AC+ involves keynote facilitated sessions, nominated emerging work (NEW), workshops, submitted short talks, roundtables, and space for open dialogue. TforT:AC+ will take place […]

Academic Resilience Series in Teaching & Learning: Exploring Academic Resilience: Research and Student Experiences

Series description: Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, the teaching and learning environment in higher education has increasingly reflected a complex interplay of cognitive, emotional, and structural pressures. While most students arrive at U of T with strong academic skills, the university experience brings with it a variety of interconnected changes and challenges that can impact […]

Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference+

Centre for Faculty Development, Temerty Faculty of Medicine Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference+ (TforT:AC+) is a three day immersion in the education paradigms and practices needed for today's health care work. TforT: AC+ involves keynote facilitated sessions, nominated emerging work (NEW), workshops, submitted short talks, roundtables, and space for open dialogue. TforT:AC+ will take place […]