Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Putting it into Words: Drafting Your Statement of Teaching Philosophy 

Facilitator: Cora McCloy, PhD, Faculty Liaison Coordinator, CTSI This webinar is part of the Demystifying the Dossier Series. Faculty are welcome to attend one or multiple workshops in the series; recordings will be available for all sessions here (https://q.utoronto.ca/courses/46670/pages/quercus-videos-and-workshop-recordings#ctsi).  At the University of Toronto, a teaching dossier must be submitted as part of the formal review process for tenure and continuing status. […]

Discussion Board Tools – ED

As part of an ongoing procurement process for a STEM-focused discussion board / QA system at the University, the prospective supplier ED will be demonstrating their wares and answering questions from faculty and staff. To ensure that attendees understand the context for the presentation, including the functionality that was requested from suppliers, attendees should familiarize themselves with the […]

Discussion Board Tools – ED

As part of an ongoing procurement process for a STEM-focused discussion board / QA system at the University, the prospective supplier ED will be demonstrating their wares and answering questions from faculty and staff. To ensure that attendees understand the context for the presentation, including the functionality that was requested from suppliers, attendees should familiarize themselves with the RFP […]

Faculty of Arts & Science Teaching & Technology Drop-In Session

The Faculty of Arts & Science Teaching & Learning and Teaching Technology Support team members are available via Microsoft Teams to answer any questions about digital teaching—from considerations about course and assignment design to effectively using Quercus and integrating educational technologies. Join via Teams Learn more about the Faculty of Arts & Science Online Learning […]

Community Discussion: Tenure is Not the Only Track: Marketing Your Teaching Skills for Alternative Academic Careers

While tenure-track professorships may be the ultimate career goal for a large portion of graduate students, an increasingly precarious and competitive academic job market means that many individuals will pursue other types of work. “Alternative academic” (alt-ac) has been used to describe careers outside of traditional tenure-track faculty positions, but still within the university/academe (e.g., educational or curriculum developers, […]

February 24th SoTL Journal Club

The CTSI-SoTL team is excited to offer a noon-hour SoTL Journal Club Series with monthly events throughout Fall-Winter 2021-22. The goal of this series is to provide an opportunity for our community to explore the SoTL literature in a synchronous group setting, both to find practical applications to implement in our teaching, and to inform […]

Discussion Board Tools – HARMONIZE

As part of an ongoing procurement process for a STEM-focused discussion board / QA system at the University, the prospective supplier Harmonize will be demonstrating their wares and answering questions from faculty and staff. To ensure that attendees understand the context for the presentation, including the functionality that was requested from suppliers, attendees should familiarize themselves with the […]

FAS: The Psychology of Student Success: Shareable Strategies for Students

Learn more about the Faculty of Arts & Science, Teaching & Learning Community of Practice Facilitator: Ashley Waggoner Denton, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Psychology In Fall 2021 I taught a new FYF seminar, PSY194: The Psychology of Student Success. From study strategies to stress to social comparisons, the students learned evidence-based strategies for managing their […]

Community Discussion: Troubleshooting TA Challenges

In this community discussion, TAs will have an opportunity to discuss some of the challenges they have had as a TA. This session will provide an opportunity for all participants to work together to solve solutions to such challenges and provide tips that their fellow TAs may benefit from.

The Role of Contemplative Strategies in an Anti-Oppressive Classroom

Contemplative practices are not oriented to the individual, but instead ask students to examine their thoughts and feelings in relation to classroom content and the greater context. By directing contemplative practices towards equity and anti-oppressive pedagogies, such embodied self-awareness can serve as a basis for structurally analyzing systems of oppression. In doing so, students are […]