Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Accessible Practices: Language and Space

While the shift to online learning in 2020 left many educators unprepared, since then, course instructors and teaching assistants have had the opportunity to consider the challenges of accessibility in virtual spaces. As we move forward with in-person, hybrid, and online instruction, we recognize that our accessible practices require flexibility and adaptation. We take this […]

CTSI ACUE-Certified Faculty Lunchtime Series: Assessing to Inform Instruction & Promote Learning

Facilitator: Alexander Rennet, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream & Faculty Advisor (MATH), Mathematical and Computational Sciences, UTM Join U of T faculty graduates of the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Effective Teaching Practices course (ACUE-Certified Faculty) as they share insights from the 25 modules they completed over several months. They implemented, reimagined, and extended […]

What’s your Story?: Supporting Anti-Oppressive Education through Storytelling 

Storytelling is a universal language that does more than merely relay facts. Sharing stories serves as a valuable tool for building community, supporting critical thinking, and facilitating equitable access. Whether by integrating narrative into lectures and tutorials, or by inviting students to share stories, storytelling-based activities invite an intentional yet reflexive engagement with the material. […]

FAS: Addressing Calls to Action in Criminology and Sociolegal Studies: Praxis and Reflection

Learn more about the Faculty of Arts & Science, Teaching & Learning Community of Practice Facilitator: Kerry Taylor, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Criminology & Sociolegal Studies In “CRI364: Indigenous Peoples and Criminal Justice,” I often have students ask, “what can I do?” Rather than providing an answer, I have asked myself how I might encourage […]

TA 101: building on the basics

‘TA 101: problem solving through the basics’ is an engaging workshop that will help you problem solve through many of the challenges of being a TA. This workshop will provide you time to reflect on your own teaching, come up with practical solutions to these problems, and provide you resources to help improve your teaching confidence.

February 2nd SoTL Journal Club

The CTSI-SoTL team is excited to offer a noon-hour SoTL Journal Club Series with monthly events throughout Fall-Winter 2021-22. The goal of this series is to provide an opportunity for our community to explore the SoTL literature in a synchronous group setting, both to find practical applications to implement in our teaching, and to inform […]

Supporting BIPOC Students Beyond COVID-19

While COVID-19 caused major disruptions to all students at the University of Toronto, the impact of this global crisis has been experienced unevenly by BIPOC groups. As we have seen, Asian North American, Black, and Indigenous communities have repeatedly endured violence and trauma in this time. The pandemic exacerbated existing educational inequities experienced by learners […]

Introduction to Trauma-Informed Pedagogy

Many people have been talking more openly about trauma in recent days – the trauma of the pandemic, domestic trauma, intergenerational and systemic trauma, trauma linked to geopolitical events, climate change, and so on. But how does trauma shape our approaches to teaching and learning? Trauma-informed practice keeps trauma, its prevalence, and how it affects […]

It Starts With a Plan: Promoting Student Engagement Through Effective Tutorial Design

Regardless of discipline or format, good tutorials are often a product of deliberate and reflective planning—especially if they are to engage students and enhance course content. This workshop will provide strategies and tips for effective and efficient tutorial design. It will guide participants through crucial stages of tutorial planning, including: determining the teaching context (e.g., type of tutorial, overall course goals); identifying and adapting tutorial learning outcomes; […]

CTSI ACUE-Certified Faculty Lunchtime Series: Creating a Supportive Learning Environment

Presenters: Nancy Johnston, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream Writing in the Disciplines Coordinator, Centre for Teaching & Learning, Historical and Cultural Studies, UTSC Katherine Trip, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Coordinator, Nurse Practitioner Field of Study (MN Program) Join U of T faculty graduates of the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Effective Teaching Practices course […]