Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning: Navigating Microaggressions in the Classroom

Microaggressions in the classroom create an unwelcome campus climate and can negatively affect the teaching and learning process. This behaviour can be exacerbated in the online context, particularly in emails, breakout rooms, chats and online forums. Addressing microaggressions is critical to creating inclusive and positive learning environments. In this interactive session, participants will learn strategies […]

UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning: Creating Accessible Documents

The switch to remote learning has created new learning opportunities and challenges in accessibility. Materials need to be flexible in their creation and accessible to all students using a variety of learning hardware and software. Learn about some of the assistive technologies students use and why accessible materials are important. Acquire new skills in how […]

UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning: Course (re)Design: Rethinking Your Course in a COVID-19 Era

The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to engage with new technologies. This engagement enabled the unexpected (re)design of courses across various learning environments. Courses were reimagined in creative and innovative ways highlighting different delivery methods. In this webinar, we will share approaches to course design including course design frameworks, developing innovative assessments, selecting activities to support […]

The Future of Hybrid Experiential Learning Courses. What’s Next?

Presented by UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning In this workshop, we will discuss the future of hybrid EL courses and explore such questions as: What aspects of remote learning will we keep? What balance will we maintain between in-person and remote teaching? Will we develop a set of standards to make hybrid courses safe, […]

Creating Accessible Syllabi

Presented by UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning Students benefit from a well-designed and accessible syllabus. In this session, learn how to create accessible syllabi that are inclusive to diverse learners and can be integrated into academic learning. Topics covered will include accessibility statements, accessible document design and time management integration. Facilitators: Alissa Evans, Assistive […]