Research on Teaching: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

“[SoTL] is a kind of going meta in which faculty frame and systematically investigate questions related to student learning – the conditions under which it occurs, what it looks like, how to deepen it and so forth – and do so with an eye not only to improve their own classrooms but to advancing practice beyond it.”
(Hutchings, P. & Shulman, L.S., 1999: 13)

Version 2

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) generally entails the study of student learning and the public sharing of these investigations. Many faculty take a scholarly approach to teaching such as reading the higher education pedagogical literature, reviewing and making changes to teaching based on course evaluation data, or attending teaching-related professional development workshops.

The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation is dedicated to the advancement of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) at our institution. We welcome faculty, librarians and staff members interested in conducting research on their teaching to join our SoTL Hub – to enrol: