Taking It To The Next Level: Incorporating Research Into Your Teaching
One of our key goals at CTSI is to support instructors at the University of Toronto by providing opportunities to develop and document their teaching. We are also dedicated to the advancement of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – often referred to as SoTL. This Fall semester we are offering a three-part workshop series that integrates these two elements, designed to lead instructors through the early stages of the SoTL research process.
These workshops will introduce the myriad entry points instructors can take into SoTL, including taking a reflective and scholarly approach to inquiry into their teaching. Participants are welcome to attend all of the workshops or select which best fit their interest level and schedule, and we welcome faculty with all levels of SoTL experience.
The first workshop, Deepening Your Teaching Practice: Integrating Teaching and Research will introduce participants to SoTL, inviting instructors with all levels of research experience to cultivate a new way of thinking about research on teaching. In this session, participants will discover new ways to think about research on teaching, break down myths and barriers to conducting research on teaching, gain advice from University of Toronto SoTL researchers and participate in building a community of teaching and learning researchers.
October 5th, 12pm-2pm, REGISTER
Creating the Space to Cultivate Scholarship on Your Teaching, the second workshop in the series, provides instructors with a space in which to review various strategies in transforming conceptual research ideas into concrete research questions within their teaching. This workshop focuses on getting instructors into a mindset of inquiry, creating a space for reflection and research design with the aim of working towards developing a program of scholarship.
October 28th, 10am-12pm, REGISTER
The third and final workshop in the series focuses on research ethics processes and planning at the University of Toronto. Research Ethics: Classrooms as Sites of Scholarly Inquiry, led by Michelle Craig, a member of the Research Ethics Board will provide guidance to participants on classrooms as sites of scholarly inquiry, protecting student participants, the dual role of the Instructor-Researcher and other topics crucial to performing ethical SoTL research.
November 24th, 3pm-4:30pm, REGISTER
For more information about SoTL activities or to book a consultation please email Cora McCloy, Research Officer and Faculty Liaison at cora.mccloy@utoronto.ca.
For more information on CTSI workshops and programming please email Erin Macnab, Programs Coordinator at erin.macnab@utoronto.ca.
Please visit our new SoTL webpage and check back regularly for updates to our resource page.
By Erin Macnab, CTSI Programs Coordinator and Cora McCloy, Research Officer and Faculty Liaison